
HotelCare was established in 1999 as an on-going initiative of AHA (Vic) to raise and distribute funds to worthy charities and organisations while advancing the overall interests of the pub and hotel sector in Victoria.

This is additionally supported by Hostplus through the HotelCare Community Care Programme.

Since its foundation, HotelCare has directly distributed over $6 million to charitable organisations.

One of the biggest fundraising events of the year is the HotelCare Golf Day, Grange on the Range, held each December with the kind assistance and support from AHA (Vic)’s corporate partners including HostPlus, CUB, Lion and Tabcorp. This day provides funds to HotelCare beyond the contributions of gaming pubs, with 100% of the money raised directed to charities and worthy causes.

HotelCare’s 20th annual charity Golf Day took place on 16 December at the Victoria Golf Club and raised more than $600,000, a new record for the event, through team registrations, the auction and generous donations on the day.



Hotel Care Foundation (Vic) Pty Ltd 
ABN 70 454 639

In collaboration with Australian Hotels Association (Victoria)

Hotel care foundation information or enquiries:

Kenneth Ooi
Manager – Finance and Business Strategy
Australian Hotels Association (Victoria) & Hotel Care Foundation (Victoria)